How to use technology with our Swiss Critical Infrastructure to respect environment
1 min read
As other modern societies, Switzerland is highly dependent on the continuous operation of its critical infrastructures. Disruptions may have rapid repercussions for the population and can affect other critical infrastructure through cascading effects. Ten sectors are considered critical at the national level, most importantly including energy, environment, transport, information and communication technologies, public administration and public safety.
For instance, a large-scale power blackout in Switzerland would also disrupt the water supply, environment, telecommunications and rail transport. The goal of Cisco Swiss CDA program is therefore to support the Swiss government and private sector to maintain the operability of these critical infrastructures by providing, creating and leveraging new innovative solutions (Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Automatization, Transport Logistics and Engineering, Smart City, Internet of Things etc.) for these sectors.
A few days ago, at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, we had the opportunity to see that the smart city is more than a series of sensors backed by network and artificial intelligence. It is truly putting the human in the center of the city, while respecting the environment.
In the context of global warming and increasing urban population, the city of the future becomes more and more complex.
City technologies backed by the actual national infrastructure in place, and new ones in development, have an unrealized potential to improve quality of life. Our national infrastructure should use technology and data purposefully to make better decisions and deliver a better quality of life.
By redefining metropolitan infrastructure, we are paving the way for the implementation of new solutions to improve people’s mobility, energy efficiency, integrated design, energy efficiency and sustainability, conservation of natural resources, and more, all measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Governments, which are used to provide a collective response, need effective support from the private sector on several urgent issues, because the world is moving too fast.
Perhaps it’s time for a new era of collaboration between Swiss Public Sector, Utilities, Transport, Telecommunications and Technology providers?
What about creating or participating in a dynamic and immersive laboratory designed to bring knowledge and ideas to life?
This will present itself as a crossroad where researchers, students and community members gather to foster diverse and stimulating conversations, which will materialize in projects that benefit the citizen of Switzerland.