Cisco Canada Blog

Laying the Foundation for Collaboration Success

July 19, 2017

There are so many things to consider when choosing a collaboration solution: what are your business challenges and how will this solve them? What can your business afford (cost, CapEx vs OpEx)?  What can’t your business afford (losing the competitive edge)? You might speak to various sales people, see a few demos, maybe test out a solution or two before making a decision.  But have you considered what could be the key to ensuring your shiny, new collaboration platform operates as shown in the demo?

Your network.

Think of the network like the foundation of your home.  Without a solid, well-built foundation, your house will shift, settle and need repairs. And your foundation isn’t one-size-fits-all. A bungalow has different requirements from a two-story house, which has different requirements from a ten-story apartment building.  Your network is no different – what worked well when you were a start-up may no longer be good enough as your business expands, you hire more employees and increase demands on your network. So when you add a collaboration solution to the list of applications and programs running on your network, you may not get the performance you had hoped for. Just like you wouldn’t add a second story to your bungalow before reinforcing the foundation, so should you upgrade your network to get the most from your new collaboration platform.

Read more: 5 Ways your Network can help you innovate faster

Because here’s the thing.  The business benefits of a collaboration platform like Cisco Spark – increased productivity, improved customer experience, higher employee satisfaction and engagement – mean that you can’t not take the plunge. But you need to be ready.  If your network can’t handle the increase in traffic required for video, messaging, and voice services today, upgrading your network is a step you have to take.  Our reputation as the “plumbers of the internet” means we know a thing or two about building networks businesses like yours can rely on. Our products give you the ability to manage and deploy your network at scale, based on the size of your company and unique business needs. With the right network under the hood, your collaboration solution will run like a finely-tuned racecar.

The benefits of an upgraded network go beyond maximizing the operations of your programs and applications. A Cisco network also has built-in security features, helping you to detect breaches faster and protecting your business from the ground up.

So before you install a new collaboration platform on your existing foundation, contact us. Because with Cisco as your general contractor, upgrading your network is easier than ever.

Learn more about Cisco Spark in this free eBook.

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