The New Evolved Services Platform Gives You What You Want, When You Want It
2 min read
You probably don’t think about how the content you want arrives on your devices. When you watch your favourite show or stream the music you need to get you through your commute, things like virtualization and orchestration of software platforms and the creation, automation, and provisioning of services in real time aren’t really your concern. You want the content you want, when you want it, on the device on which you want to see it. Those are the expectations of today’s consumer.
Enterprise customers want these things as well. They want to invest their money in their core business, not the IT infrastructure they use to deliver their product. And, like consumers, they want to know that their service providers can meet their needs.
For service providers, who already face heavy demands on their networks, all this adds up to a huge burden. They need to give everyone the data and content they want without taxing their own networks too much. As businesses themselves, they also need to make more money than they spend on their own infrastructure.
Cisco’s job is to anticipate all these needs and to make information flow from service provider to enterprise customer to consumer as seamlessly as possible. That’s why we’ve introduced the new Evolved Services Platform (ESP). ESP uses software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) to provide the ease and speed consumers want with the flexibility and agility businesses need.
ESP uses the cloud to allow speed and agility when providing new network services. Now, it’s easier for business to buy, add, install, and manage network services. And because it’s automated, service providers can add these services without sending technicians to the worksite to install them. We’ve moved from months to minutes for installing new services.
With ESP, Cisco has met everyone’s needs. The consumer gets the content they need exactly when they want it. The enterprise customer can provide content and services easily and with the confidence that their service provider can carry their end of the load. And the service provider can reduce their operating expenses by up to 45% and create new revenue by as much as five times their current average.
We’re very proud to introduce ESP. Cisco is constantly finding new ways to connect everyone and everything, and we’re providing the means to do it. To learn more about ESP and what it can do for you, check out our Service Provider Strategy brochure and Kelly Ahuja’s video presentation.