TweetChat gives opportunity for Canadian SMBs and partners to ask questions to Cisco executive – now updated with Chat transcript
As director of SMB for Canada, part of my job is to listen to our small business partners and customers across the country. I’ve listened, and you’ve spoken volumes. You want to know what to expect from Cisco in 2012, and where we will be investing in the SMB space. You want to know what technology trends will dominate this year, and how you can take advantage of them. And partners, you want to know how to expand your SMB business, and what to expect at Partner Summit this April.

Andrew Sage, Cisco VP of Partner Led
It is with this in mind that I am delighted to announce that Andrew Sage, vice-president of Partner Led for Cisco, will be participating in a TweetChat on February 23 with @CiscoCanadaSB. Andrew, a fellow Canadian, will answer the above questions and more, and we want you to get involved!
Click here to read the full transcript of our chat with Andrew
Follow #ciscosbchat on February 23 at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT to monitor the conversation. We also encourage you to join the discussion by submitting your questions to Andrew. Please remember to use #ciscosbchat in your tweets.
Thursday, February 23, 2012 from 2 – 3 pm ET / 11 – 12 pm PT
On the day of the event, login to TweetChat and follow the #ciscosbchat hashtag. To ask Andrew a question or to join the chat, visit http://tweetchat.com/room/ciscosbchat
Alternatively, you can use your favorite third-party Twitter client (such as HootSuite or TweetDeck) or TwitterSearch to follow the chat hashtag #ciscosbchat.
- The session will be hosted by @CiscoCanadaSB
- Andrew Sage, Cisco’s vice-president of Partner Led (@AndrewSage)
Questions / Comments?
If you have any questions, leave a comment below or tweet us @CiscoCanadaSB.
What is a TweetChat?
TweetChats are online conversations held at a pre-arranged date/time between Twitter users. Chats are uniquely identified by pre-defined Twitter hashtag (such as #ciscosbchat) to identify the discussion thread. By including this hashtag in each tweet, the conversation can be monitored separate from the larger Twitter conversations.
I encourage all of our small and mid-sized business partners and customers across Canada to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to talk to one of Cisco’s SMB and Partner Organization leaders on February 23.
To submit a question during the chat include #ciscosbchat in your tweet. To submit a question in advance, leave a comment below.