Cisco UKI
- Cisco UKI
The Sky’s the limit
Last Thursday my colleague, Sam Moylan-Heydt and I had the privilege to represent Cisco at the launch of the London Air Ambulance’s new educational app HeliMed. The app was launched
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- Cisco UKI
Are we headed for a ‘Techxit?’ It’s time to get digital culture right
Almost a third of UK businesses are still not embracing digital tech, but that’s ok – as soon as all those digital-native millennials start flooding into the workplace they’ll fill
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- Cisco UKI
Leaderboard 2016: 10 ways the internet of things is changing health and fitness
Back in the 1950s, a man named Charles Reep pioneered the idea of data capture in sport. His tools? Paper, a pen, and an enormous amount of patience. Reep created
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- Cisco UKI
Building on Ideas from the next generation
In March we were privileged to hold the finals of the Cisco Little BIG Awards, a school age competition where we asked the young people to re-imagine a new connected…
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- Cisco UKI
24hrs of not working, at work
HackIT VII, Chandler’s Ford 31st March to 1st April 2016 After many weeks of planning, the eve of the global HackIT VII challenge had finally arrived. Up until this point
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- Cisco UKI
Sports Relief 2016 – Cisco Bedfont to City office Thames Walk
I am very fortunate to work for a company that encourages employees’ charity volunteering activities and where Cisco really shows its commitment to its Corporate Social Responsibilities. Each year Cisco
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- Cisco UKI
Stu Player: mastering the art of diving in at the deep end
Pinning down Stu Player is no mean feat. After relentless diary scouring I somehow manage to catch an hour with him on the hop, just before he heads off to
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- Cisco UKI
Software Defined Networking – Still Does Nothing? Think again!
The Open Networking Foundation defines SDN as an emerging architecture that “… decouples the network control and forwarding functions enabling the network control to become directly programmable…” A subset of
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- Cisco UKI
Introducing Cisco FOX: new era (and face) for WebEx
Facial recognition and augmented reality has the potential to totally transform the way we communicate with each other for the better. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of
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- Cisco UKI
Working from Home? Don’t Forget the Miracles that Make it Happen!
Watching the BBC recently an item on the increased number of people working from home caught my attention. Supposedly 4.2 million people currently work from home, with a further 1.2
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