Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

Working from Home? Don’t Forget the Miracles that Make it Happen!

March 29, 2016

Watching the BBC recently an item on the increased number of people working from home caught my attention. Supposedly 4.2 million people currently work from home, with a further 1.2 million keen to join them. Although I feel the second number a little low, based on how many people say they envy me when I tell them I have this option, what struck me about the BBC piece was that they focused on the potential economic pros and cons of this trend, rather than the technology that makes it possible.

My first foray into the world of working from home was so different from today’s experience. The day before I was due to work at home (yes, you had to plan I advance) I would ensure I had all the files I need off any shared drives, and all the necessary paperwork at hand. Then with my laptop (which weighed half a ton) under my arm, juggling files I would head off home. Oh the joys that awaited me. Webmail for one. No wi-fi! The realisation the file you needed was still at the office. And the only form of remote meeting available was the phone.

big laptop


Today – thanks to the miracles (and I do not use the word lightly) of modern technology (mostly thanks to Cisco – though I do admit to a certain bias here), I can make the decision to work from home – or anywhere else – in a moment. All I need to do is turn on my laptop, click on AnyConnect and I am in a Cisco office. I click on Jabber and I am instantly in contact with my colleagues and business contacts. Launch WeBex and I am hosting a video meeting. All totally seamless.

With these tools at my fingertips I am as productive at home as I am at the office, with all the benefits that come from a great work/life balance. And according to the BBC it looks to be pretty good for the economy as well!


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