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The symposium “New Generation of Networking Innovation and Research” Cisco – École Polytechnique 2017
The Internet of the future is taking shape today. What will be the infrastructures of tomorrow? On what networks will information circulate? How will it be stored? What are the impacts on the infrastructures of the latest existing technologies? The academic world and economic milieu have both taken up these major issues during the second annual symposium held by the Paris Innovation and Research Lab (PIRL), co-organized by Cisco and the École Polytechnique. On the program: forecasting and links between research topics and often complementary industrial applications.
Discover our 4 articles on the new generation of networking research and innovation:
1/ ICN, the infrastructure of tomorrow?
2/ Artificial intelligence: its impact on networking
3/ Media production makes its transformation to IP
4/ IPv6-centric networking, a crucial rollout for tomorrow
Video highlights of the Innovation & Research Symposium:
1/ ICN, the infrastructure of tomorrow ?
Information-centric networking proposes a profound transformation of the principles of Internet communication such as we know them. By permitting access to data irrespective of where the user connects, it manifests as an appropriate networking technology for 5G and the Internet of Things, for which the exchange of information is mobile, multi-sourced and demands flexibility to adapt itself to a very dynamic networking environment. So what does research say about the challenges that face its introduction?
Read the complete article on ICN, the infrastructure of tomorrow?
Download the presentations of the speakers in this session.
2/ Artificial intelligence: its impact on networking
Artificial intelligence is devouring the world. The present capacities of calculation, storage and networking infrastructures seem to be put in question every day by the increasing needs of deep and machine learning. While waiting for the arrival of an intelligent “network of networks,” new infrastructures are being developed today that provide added dimensions to a race that up to now has been quite linear…
Read the complete article on artificial intelligence: its impact on networking.
Download the presentations of the speakers in this session.
3/ Media production makes its transformation to IP
How will one distribute, use, but above all produce tomorrow’s video? The IP studios will be replacing SDI (Serial Digital Interface) technologies, and current virtualization even brings a glimpse of an all-IP end-to-end production chain. It is a whole industry that is being transformed, and a dialogue is being established between specialists, whether on the business end or that of research, to overcome the challenges of creating tomorrow’s content.
Read the complete article on media production makes its transformation to IP.
Download the presentations of the speakers in this session.
4/ IPv6-centric networking, a crucial rollout for tomorrow
If one wishes to approach the limits to be exceeded tomorrow on the Internet, how can one not evoke IPv6? Being a new protocol, but also a new platform for innovation, IPv6 will allow tomorrow the connection, with an adapted, agile and flexible architecture, of more than 50 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things, but also to the containers, workloads, and virtualized content of tomorrow. With the rollout of IPv6, innovations such as IPv6 Segment Routing and IPv6 Content Networking, unimaginable in IPv4, arouses more and more interest in the industry.
Read the complete article on IPv6-centric networking, a crucial rollout for tomorrow
Download the presentations of the speakers in this session.
Relive the symposium now by looking at our playlist.
Find all the symposium articles on our blog :
- The Opinion of Mark Townsley, Cisco Engineer and Co-founder of the Paris Innovation and Research Lab
- Information-Centric Networking: the Infrastructure of Tomorrow?
- Artificial Intelligence: its Impact on Networking
- Media Production Makes its Transformation to IP
- IPv6-centric Networking, a Crucial Rollout for Tomorrow
In addition, all presentations from the 1st edition of the Symposium in 2016 can be downloaded here. Also, the video playlist of the 2016 Symposium can be watched on Youtube by clicking here.