Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

When Root Canal seems preferable to sorting out QoS

June 13, 2017

Ever been sat in the office and decided that Root Canal would be preferable to the task that is confronting you?

You know, when you’ve cleared your to-do list except that one job you’ve been avoiding.  Or when your boss comes and says, basically, that you’ve drawn the short straw and you got ‘that job’.

There are those most tedious and soul-destroying of activities.  And sorting out QoS has to rank up there in the Top 5 for any Network Engineer worth his salt.

The thought of the hours and hours and hours frankly of tedious work is not that exciting.  And the manual work involved can lead to errors, which leads to more work.  For many an IT organisation it is a never ending and thankless task.

What if there was another way?

In the first of our 5 part series, Michael Stevens asks is it possible to make QoS easier? Find out how he got on.

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