Once upon a time there lived a protected network which was happily secured at the endpoint and behind the firewall… Oh, how times have changed.
It’s true that stories like this are becoming fairytales as our networks evolve and expand faster than most of us can keep up with. However, that doesn’t mean all is lost when it comes to securing it.
For a while now (give or take something just shy of a decade) Cisco has been working on this very conundrum. With increasing connectivity and complexity, meaning more threats on the network, how do we maintain the security, agility and integrity of it? The challenge we all face is that there are no longer clear endpoints due to the countless devices connecting to the network. There are also many applications sitting in both the DC and the cloud that we all need and want access to. With the network exploding like a firecracker at either end, where is the knight in shining armour?
Well, the Cisco Fairy Godmother has waved her magic wand and there is a saviour on the horizon. Drawing on her deep knowledge and understanding of networks, which she’s been building for a little while now and has become “fairy” well known for her skills in this field, we know there is no one better placed than her to come to our rescue. We all know security can no longer be a bolt-on attachment to our existing networks, but rather it’s a core part of what makes that network. The Cisco Fairy Godmother has switched on netflow in the network, combined it with Stealthwatch (a recent acquisition) to gain visibility of security threats, and mixed it with the policy enforcement provided by Identity Service Engine and Trustsec and given us the Three Musketeers, rather than the Three Blind Mice!
Looks like you might not need to wait around to be rescued any longer…