People’s expectations today are different than in the past, and nowhere is that more apparent than when it comes to customer service.
In this digital age, where 7 out of 10 people own a smartphone, we’re living at the speed of data. Studies show that 42% of customers expect a response within 60 minutes when they contact a business via social media. And that’s only one of the new challenges businesses face.
Once, customer service was limited to only a few channels including face-to-face, phone and mail. But in the 21st century, the options have expanded to include social media, web-chat, and now even smartphone apps and video communication. And customers expect their journey to be seamless across whichever of these channels they use.
Sounds like a tall order? Well, perhaps. But remember: as well as challenges, there are also great opportunities in digital-age customer service. Now, more than ever, you have the chance to provide an unrivalled customer experience – one that builds real loyalty.
In our survey of contact centre managers, more than half of the respondents said that enhancing customer experience was becoming critical for them. Customer experience is a major priority. And they also see new channels as key to their future success, with a large proportion saying they intend to introduce them within two years.
Businesses and contact centres are moving with the times, so they can be in step with today’s customer expectations and needs. That’s the best way to make sure your customers stay yours.
You can discover the full findings of the survey in Tomorrow’s Contact Centre. To download the survey report, simply register here.