12 months ago, we lived in a bubble of optimism, the future was bright with a plethora of possibilities; you could go straight to university, take some time to travel, or jump straight into your career.
Fast forward to February 2021, a new world where university life has become the antithesis of the student experience and travel has completely stopped. It could feel like life and your opportunities have come to a screeching halt and we’re left with a generation of limited possibilities.
But our new world is a brave one! At Cisco we know how to work, play, live and learn with physical distance. And, on our apprenticeship, you can still do a degree with your classmates, travel around the virtual world and try out different career options from our menu of over 200 rotations.
From day one, our apprentices get to design their own experience preparing them for a career journey for life. Different options, specialisations and routes are available making sure we support all apprentices, with their unique differences and individual needs so that each day, real and strong skills like communication, team working and critical thinking are learned. Weekly sessions with lectures around digital and technology, and rotations across the company are allowing these bright, young people to gain lifelong skills that will not only make them successful at Cisco, but more hireable to future employers.
I wholeheartedly believe digital degree apprenticeships help the future to become a brighter place. Rosie from Manchester joined the programme after being furloughed from the hospitality industry:
“I feel incredibly grateful to Cisco for giving me this chance. My future now looks
very different than it did 12 months ago, filled with exciting prospects. Cisco has given me the freedom to choose my future, study for a degree and make connections with people all around the world. I plan to work hard, learn more, and find my place in the tech industry.”
The Cisco Degree Apprenticeship is forever evolving and adapting, making sure all of our apprentices are agile and work ready for our ever-changing world. If you are a hungry for a new challenge, want to join a team where you can be the best version of yourself, join the Cisco Degree Apprenticeship and get access to a world of possibilities!
Apply now, no experience required.