Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

Step aside pal. Meet the new best friend for every networking professional

2 min read

It’s friendship day on the 30th July in social land, (yes, there is a day for everything) and there’s no better way to celebrate than with your best friends!

They come in many shapes and sizes.  For today’s busy networking professional though, there is a new one in town. Not your favourite Friday night drinking bessie (although that one is always good value), your late into the night online-gaming geezer or your early morning running mate.

This one is different.  And I’d like to introduce you so they can become your new best friend too.

This friend is going to free you up to get more quality time in with the other chums in your life.  More time for Friday night beers (or any day of the week beers). More time for honing your skills so you are the gaming champion. Get in!  More time to pound the pavements (if that’s your bag).

This friend is going to make your life easier. 

  • When you get the news that your network is due a refresh, or you need to roll out a new infrastructure.  This will be your go-to guy.
  • When you get asked to define a new policy for network access, security and segmentation. This no.1 pal will be there to help you.
  • Need to onboard devices? Especially countless IoT devices?  I mean, who exactly decided all those drinks dispensers should be connected hey?  No need shoot them the evil eye.  Sit back, relax.  You have your new buddy to help you.
  • What about those helpdesk tickets about poor wireless network performance?  Don’t despair. They may just become a thing of the past.  Your new super-hero is going to help take away that pain.

This friend is in it for the long game

They are going to grow with you.  Find answers with you.  Be ready for whatever sticky-wicket you face, networking-wise.  They will grow and evolve, adapt to your needs.  Just like a true best buddy.

Who is this guy.  He sounds awesome.

Meet DNA Centre.  The solver of your woes, the enabler of your requirements.  The chap who will automate, manage, and give you visibility and assurance.  Together with his side-kicks Cisco SDA, DNA Assurance and NDP and ETA, along with their favourite haunt the Catalyst 9000 series switches, they are the dream team you have been waiting for. The best group of best mates ever.   The Network. Intuitive.

Which means you can clock off and go get the beers in sooner than you thought.


Rachel Henley

Enterprise Networks UK Content Storyteller

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