Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

7 awesome innovations to spot at Cisco Live Europe

3 min read

Cisco Live Europe 2018 is nearly upon us! We’re excited to head to Barcelona where thousands of Cisco customers and partners will be descending on the Fira Gran Via over five days.

But before things kick off on Monday (January 29th), I wanted to give you a quick preview of what’s happening at the show from a Cisco Innovation perspective.

Here are my 7 picks of things to look out for at Cisco Live Europe, you’ll note these come with a very strong Internet of Things (IoT) flavour…

1) Manchester’s Smart City Demonstrator, CityVerve

CityVerve brings together the brightest minds and pioneering uses of IoT to redefine ‘smart’ in the context of a living, working city.

We’ll be talking about how it aims to build and deliver a smarter, more connected Manchester, creating a city that uses technology to meet the complex needs of its people. We’re imagining a Manchester of endless possibilities: from new businesses and jobs to better healthcare and transport; safer streets; and more engaged and empowered citizens. Come see this in action!

2) Smart Cities Barcelona

Did you know Barcelona is itself a leading light in the smart city space? At Cisco Live you’ll hear how more and more sensors are deployed in the city to improve the efficiency and quality of living through new services.

Many require edge computing and control capability in one of the thousands of street cabinets in cities. This in itself brings its own challenges, but we’ll be looking at consolidation of hardware through fog computing, fast update and rollout of services, and increased efficiencies in managing thousands of services beyond the data centre in Barcelona.

3) Mobile Services and Fog Nodes in Emergency Vehicles

Emergency vehicles contain multiple services, such as radio, emergency lights, license plate recognition, video on demand, and more. They also typically run on a ruggedised hardware platform. As more and more sensors are added to vehicles, the complexity and capability of these services are increasing, and security is key. We’ve got an exciting demo to show this in action.

4) Project SWIFT (The fastest seamless in-train Wi-Fi service in the world)

Imagine a future where your daily commute is no longer a productivity black hole but time that can be devoted to making important and pleasant things happen. Project SWIFT is the fastest in-train Wi-Fi service in the world, allowing users to experience consistent Internet speeds on the go of up to 300 Mbps. Did you know the existing in-train mobile service in the UK means 33% of internet requests on trains fail? With 1.4bn journeys a year, which equates to millions of lost hours of productivity, missed opportunity for online retailers, and potentially dissatisfied passengers. Project SWIFT solves this crucial issue for rail operators and passengers.

5) Our network of Innovation Centres

Manchester, London, Berlin, Paris, Rio de Janerio, Sydney, Perth, Tokyo and Toronto… we’re always on the lookout for the latest world-changing technology and turning it into sustainable solutions. Along with partners our goal is to help solve customers’ biggest business challenges so they can thrive in the digital era.

6) Farming Decision Platform

One of the most critical barriers for digitising the agricultural industry has been the limited connectivity options for farmers.

Though there’s a plethora of sensing technology that can benefit the sector, they cannot be utilised without a new connectivity and data solution. The Farm Decision Platform trial tested flexible on-site connectivity solutions and a platform that enables a range of applications to access that data

7) And loads more at the show!

It’s almost impossible to condense everything that’s happening into one blog. Some of the other areas worth mentioning include Smart Inhalers in health and social care, as well as Transportation-NextGen Cycling that uses rider behaviour to help city planners to improve travel experience. Get down to the stand and see this innovation in action for yourself.

It would also be remiss of me not to mention the talks I’ll be giving through the week – everyday I’m presenting on the innovation stand. I’ll be talking about CityVerve Tuesday at 12.20, Wednesday 14.20 and Thursday 13:00. I’m also looking forward to giving joint presentations with Alex Hils on Tuesday at 14:20 and Thursday at 11:00 and with Heman Parekh on Tuesday at 15:40, Wednesday at 13:40 and Thursday at 14:20.

Hope to see you in Barcelona!

There’s still time to register for CLEUR! If you won’t be in Barcelona remember to follow the action on social media using the hashtag #CLEUR




Nick Chrissos

Director of Innovation, Europe

Strategic Innovation Group

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