Cisco Poland Blog

Positivity and willingness to act are my Superpowers

2 min read

Cisco Poland Superheroes is a series of brief interviews highlighting remarkable talents of Cisco Poland employees, or what we fondly refer to as their “superpowers”. These superpowers encompass the extraordinary endeavors they pursue beyond their everyday roles at Cisco, illustrating how they embody our Purpose to “Power an Inclusive Future for All.” Our next Superhero featured in the series is Anna Toporkiewicz Customer Delivery Leader at our Krakow office. Read her story and learn more about her superpowers!


What is your superpower?

My superpower is positivity and a willingness to act. I’m a ‘doer’—I don’t spend much time overthinking; instead, when someone presents a topic, I grasp it immediately and start acting. At Cisco, it all began with my engagement with our employee organization – Connected Poland – a long, long time ago . Thanks to taking on various responsibilities, I was able to learn many new things, build my confidence, and simultaneously make a positive impact on the world around me. My greatest inspiration came from Norm de Peau, who was our site lead for some time. In my head, I still have the picture of him joining the meetings with positive energy, optimism, and this ability to make a difference…



How are you using your superpowers in daily life? 

In every situation, I strive to find the silver lining, believing that positivity is key to driving change. This optimism has become somewhat of a trademark for me, as I firmly believe that with hard work and faith in the possibility of success, we can achieve many things. However, I must admit that maintaining this mindset isn’t always easy. There have been moments when doubts showed up, and setbacks felt like failures. But through these experiences, I’ve learned the value of resilience and the importance of extracting lessons from every situation.  These moments serve as pivotal opportunities for reflection, analysis, and ultimately, personal growth. It’s crucial for me to surround myself with individuals with whom I can share these experiences, gaining valuable perspectives and understanding along the way. I am truly grateful for the support system that surrounds me.


How can one be a Superhero today? How can we all contribute?

In the fast-paced world we live in, opportunities to make a difference surround us daily. It’s crucial to embrace an open mindset, recognizing that our roles extend beyond mere jobs; they present possibilities for impactful change. Each of us possesses the power to take action and effect meaningful transformation.

Fear often tries to hold us back, especially when faced with daunting tasks or challenges. However, it’s important to remember that we’re never alone in our endeavors. I am very happy to be surrounded by good people who have always time to listen, offer guidance and support.

Moreover, each of us brings a unique perspective to the table, capable of reshaping countless outcomes. Therefore, we shouldn’t hide our ideas; rather, we should share them and work together to bring them to life.



I believe that being proactive and assertive is key to achieving our goals, whether it involves launching a new project or suggesting improvements. I think we need to remind ourselves of our uniqueness and the power we possess within. We should accept the fear as a part of the process and believe that we can count on the support of the people surrounding us.

Together, we form a formidable force, capable of overcoming obstacles and realizing our shared aspirations.

I think that with determination and a collaborative spirit, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish.


Magdalena Kazanowska


People & Communities

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