Twas the time over Christmas, and all down the hall
Not a worker was present, no lights on at all.
The weather was snowy – too slippery for driving
Work had to be done, business year end was thriving.
Clients were waiting and bosses were needy
Employers had to find ways to work smartly and speedy!
But no phones went unanswered, no emails unread
As merry employees accessed them from home instead.
So keep your employees happy this season, here’s a gift from me
Try out Cisco WebEx for 14 days, absolutely free.
Author: Santa Claus
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, or Kris Kringle, is responsible for bringing gifts to the homes of children on December 24th. The members of his team include elves from across the nation and several reindeer including Rudolf. Claus is located in the North Pole and uses WebEx to stay in contact with his leading elves and raindeer on the eve of Christmas, the most important day of the year. Claus has his CCNA and has been in operation since the 19th century.
Happy New Year!