The Learning Partnership’s Leading Learning through Technology is pleased to have partnered with CISCO Systems Canada to share with educational leaders, the innovative practices that are being developed to transform schools through the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool.
The half-day event, exclusive to educators, was held at CISCO offices in Toronto on February 11. Willa Black, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Wayne Cuervo, Manager of Corporate Affairs introduced participants to CISCO’s Connected North project in Iqaluit, discussing how the project connects classrooms in the North with classrooms in southern Canada for cross-cultural exchanges. Connections are made through the use of CISCO’s Telepresence technology, which is helping to extend curriculum resources by bringing experts into the classroom virtually. This technology will not only bring educational development to students, but to teachers as well. Currently virtual professional development opportunities have been brought forward to teachers in Iqaluit. These teachers have been able to work with educational experts from across Canada, allowing them to develop their skills and learn new teaching practices.
There was no doubt that technology has made a difference for these students and teachers by enhancing teaching and learning strategies. CISCO not only has supported this community through enriching the learning environment, but they have also recognized the importance of supporting the community by developing a strong understanding of the culture and needs of this group of learners.
Also highlighted was a discussion of ways in which interactive video, podcasting interactive experiences on-demand, and social media experiences can be used to engage learners.Portable media devices or a space-centric tool like an electronic white board can support teaching and learning.Dr. Lance Ford, who is an educational technology advocate for CISCO, headed up this segment. CISCO connected the audience with Dr. Ford live through video collaboration technology.
Leading Learning through Technology’s main focus is to build a community of ICT learners that share and discuss best practices that support teaching and learning. Through partnerships with corporations that are developing new educational technologies, we are able to work together to bring ideas and innovative strategies in ICT that best support students. Leading Learning through Technology thanks CISCO for their time and support of this endeavour. The next Leading Learning through Technology event, will be on Friday, April 25, 2014 at the George Brown College Lakeside Campus at 51 Dockside Drive, Toronto. Registration is open now. It will be another exciting opportunity to engage with all partners involved in promoting student learning through the use of technology in the classroom!
Author: Heli Vail