To help spur national innovation, you need infrastructure that goes beyond roads and buildings. Networked and wired infrastructure are crucial, but just as important are the networks of people and the public sector/private sector partnerships that bring everything together at the local level.
Our goal at Cisco Canada is to bring key stakeholders together and co-create new solutions and processes that introduce technologies to deliver economic, environmental and social sustainability for municipalities.
You might have heard about our latest step toward this goal as we recently announced our strategic agreement with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). As part of this agreement, we will provide thought leadership, tools and support to almost 2,000 FCM members based on our Cisco Smart+Connected Communities strategy.
While we work heavily with engineering and brokerage firms on many major construction projects across Canada, our commitment to developing 21st century cities and communities is now continuing with our FCM agreement. Cisco and FCM will work together on new and innovative solutions to increase productivity, economic development, growth, competitiveness and sustainability in cities and communities.
Our partnership with FCM will allow us to share our lessons learned and best practices from many recent construction and network infrastructure projects around the world, including our work with cities across Canada.
For example, Cisco is working on services with the city of Vancouver to deliver enhanced energy efficiency and support the city’s green energy and environmental goals. And in the Rampart’s Avenir Communities of St. Albert, Alberta, all access to community and government services such as healthcare and education will be based on ultra-high speed network infrastructure.
As a technology company deeply rooted in Canada, we are committed to helping the country become one of the very best countries for its citizens to work and play. With more than 1,400 employees at Cisco Canada, the company performs some of its most leading edge research and development on Canadian soil.
But for Canada to continue being a hub of innovation and a destination for global businesses, we all have to work together to move the wheels of Canadian cities and their commitment to applying innovation and technology.
Although our country is one of the wealthiest nations in the world with a top 10 GDP, we find ourselves dropping on the chart for innovation and productivity to 15th place. In the ability to use technology for business, Canada ranks a meager 18th place in the world.
This is one of the driving factors behind our agreement with FCM. A top priority for Cisco Canada and our Smart+Connected Communities initiative is to bridge the productivity and innovation gap.
Information technology has proven time and time again to be the key enabler for socio-economic progress and development, which can boost productivity and economic growth across the country. The Internet and its underlying technology networks – which act as the fourth utility – provide the foundation and methodologies that can positively alter every aspect of our lives.
Healthcare, education, transportation, real estate, government services, utilities and security can all be transformed for the better using information technology. With a municipal services delivery platform, cities can create services and experiences that can be consumed and delivered to all layers of their community.
Municipalities that have superior network and technology infrastructure can deliver fast applications to their businesses and citizens. This is a competitive advantage that will grow economic prosperity, social wellness and drive innovation and productivity to new heights.
With our partnership with FCM, we want to be a source of ideation and innovation for Canada’s cities. We want to help transform communities, regions and the country itself. When FCM members come to the association for advice and leadership, Cisco Canada will be there as a partner, which will help us improve and grow our offerings and services.
Our goal of helping Canadian cities rise even further up the ranks of productivity, innovation and quality of life is just beginning. Stay tuned!