Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

The importance of WiFi for hospitals and patients

1 min read

Across the UK, we’ve experienced one of longest and most severe winters for several years. Combined with a particularly virulent flu season, the odds have been well and truly stacked against an already over-stretched NHS.

No doubt, we’ve all seen press stories on how A&E departments have been forced to treat patients in corridors as surgery waiting lists rise. That’s why I was so pleased that one of our recent projects has included installing WiFi throughout a new hospital.

Reliable WiFi capability is becoming an essential part any NHS organisation’s technical infrastructure, yet in spite of our expertise in this area, some of our recent projects, which have included optimising and enabling WiFi capability across NHS organisations, are challenging, especially when it includes all areas of a hospital, and includes full WiFi access for patients as well as staff.

Why WiFi matters 

A robust, reliable WiFi installation offers more than just convenience – it can provide the framework for the delivery of vital services.

For example, many life-saving devices are now dependent on continuous coverage. They also support staff in their day-to-day work. The ability to update patient records on mobile devices while on ward rounds for example, can reduce paperwork and reduce the likelihood of important information going astray or being recorded inaccurately.

And importantly, Wi-Fi can be particularly valuable to in-patients and their families, as keeping in contact with loved ones can have a positive influence on patient outcomes.

Mandatory NHS WiFi

With 80 per cent of the UK’s health and care industry connected to our WiFi, it is always particularly satisfying when we can support our customers through any such installation. And the role of WiFi in healthcare delivery will continue to increase when mandatory NHS WiFi for hospitals in England comes into force this year.

And while it’s virtually impossible to solve every challenge facing the NHS, our knowledge in this area means we understand the difficulties faced by health and care organisations every day. So why not contact Tony Rhodes or me to see how we can help you.


Wendy Rasin


Advanced Services

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