Today we have Rolf Adam, VP services and sales EMEA for Insight in our Leaderboard 2016 Hot Seat. Insight being one of the many companies that are participating in this years Leaderboard. Rolf seems to be no stranger to all aspects of a Triathlon, so he is looking forward to putting them together and being part of one of the most connected Triathlon’s ever.
Why are you getting involved in the Leaderboard Triathlon Challenge?
Because it is a great way to support two different, but both very worthy, causes. The first is encouraging people to get outside, away from their TVs, Netflix and computers and get active by participating in team activities. The second is of course because all the funds raised are for charity.
Were you interested in triathlons before, or has this event spurred your interest?
I am an active runner, cyclist and swimmer although I have never considered doing all of this in sequence. It’s my first triathlon and I am really looking forward to it.
What excites you about Leaderboard this year?
It’s the concept of it being the most connected triathlon ever! While I’m nervous about what my FitBit and data visualisations will say about me, it’s exciting to see yet another way technology can be used to gather usable insights while instilling a bit of competition.
Why do you think Sport Relief is such a success?
Sport is a great stress relief no matter what sport you are practicing. Team sports are adding the group dependency to it. This is a great environment to experience many of the traits one needs to be successful in business: dependency on others, team spirit, responsibility for the team, high performance and so much more.
If you could choose to be a famous sporting athlete who would it be and why?
While I admire professional athletes, I wouldn’t chose to be one! For me sport is a hobby that helps me to unwind and have a great time – together with my family and friends. If I competed for a living, I would lose all of this.
How do you think technology can change/enhance sport and sporting events?
Technology is a double edged sword. It has so much potential for improving performances and enhancing the experience. Take wearable technologies for example that help us perform our sports safer and healthier. Likewise, there are many innovative start-ups out there like HelloCoach that help coaches and teams better organise themselves. Yet, while I obviously a great fan of technology. technology can take away some of the magic that surrounds an elite athlete and his or her performance.The better we understand the body the more we tend to treat it like a machine and not like an impressive human being.
If you had to be a drones or an eagle for a month which would you choose?
I would choose the eagle – a primal beast of the wild with great strength and grace.
Name one device or piece of technology you couldn’t live without.
I appreciate technology, but I see it as an enabler – helping us improve our applications in either work or our personal life. But in saying this, I am not dependent on technology. While I, along with the rest of the world, enjoy its ability to make my life easier, I try not to depend on it. When immersed in doing things that I love, like trekking, I prefer to do it without technology – unless you class a sleeping back as technology.
Whats your proudest sporting achievement?
When I achieved my first swimming badge, the “sea horse” at age 6 – I felt like I had just crossed an ocean.
If you instantly gain a new sporting talent what would it be and why?
It would be wing-suit flying – this would come next to the experience of being an eagle.
Is there any CEO rivalry developing ahead of the big event?
We are all very competitive so you should expect some level of rivalry. Mostly, we look at it as a great way to share our enthusiasm for sports and wellbeing amongst our friends and colleagues while raising funds for a great cause. It is exciting to be part of this event.