Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

Happy Days. Get Digital-Ready at a budget that will make you smile

4 min read

You’ve heard the hype about Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) and the shift to Digital-Ready.  But perhaps like many companies and organisations, you think that all that new functionality and capability is going to be out of your reach.  Perhaps simply it would blow the budget.

However, this is a common misconception.  Shifting to a more agile, innovative and digital-ready infrastructure does not have to be prohibitively expensive.  Nor does it have to be implemented as a sudden change that could place challenging cultural shifts and open up gaping skills gaps.

Far from it.  In fact, many of the perceived roadblocks are simply that. Perceptions.  The reality can be quite different.  It does require a change in approach though.  Simply looking at a like-for-like refresh and then using any budget surplus to squeeze in a few extra’s, is not enough.

By being bold and reaching for the stars, a more transformational change is within your grasp, at a budget you are less likely to baulk at or get kickback. 

Really, how?

That’s where the new consumption model that is part of Cisco DNA comes in. Shifting from thinking of your network as a series of hardware to looking at your network from a software perspective. It’s a true game changer.

By considering your network functionality from the perspective of software, then you can:

  • Achieve a predictable spend across support, software and hardware
  • Reduce your OpEx by eliminating high support costs associated with an ageing infrastructure and complex change management
  • Reduce your risk profile by implementing a more secure network environment, harnessing the potential of the network to act as a sensor and enforcer
  • Reduce complexity with end-to-end automation that simplifies network changes, configuration standardisation and increases the speed which new services or applications can be rolled out

Sound too good to be true?

Let’s look at a real-world scenario

In this example the customer has evaluated their network and found:

  • 29% network infrastructure is End of Sale
  • 18% past last day of support
  • 21% nearing last day of support.
  • Plus, not all equipment is under a support contract.

Further, historic ad-hoc deployment and refreshes has created unpredictable costs and is impacting effective and secure network operations. Also, they are missing the opportunity to maximise the potential of their network as they have identified that they

  • have insufficient licensing for Network Access Control which means, security is not as consistent or robust as it ought to be
  • they don’t currently use Software Defined Networking so they cannot automate network actions (if you’re a Customer and interested in SDN you can register for Hands On session here)
  • and they have signification operational costs due to the legacy and complex nature of their network

There are small pockets of capability, but they are not knitted together very well, and they are not end-to-end.  Which makes it more challenging to get the best value back from some of their investment.  Sound familiar?

Now if we look at how to fill those gaps using the traditional approach to a refresh, i.e. replace like-for-like and then add the additional functionality on top, well unsurprisingly we blow the budget and its simply unattainable.

Here’s where we link transformation to affordability

If we rethink the software with Cisco ONE and an ELA (Enterprise Licence Agreement) this can help address those gaps.  Instead of a $2m additional cost on a $4.3m deal, they just need to find an additional $200k. Much more achievable.

Giving the customer affordable access to the new capabilities of Cisco DNA such as Network Function Virtualisation, SDN Automation and Analytics which will make them faster, more agile and enable them to deliver new services and applications into the environment more efficiently.

This will in turn reduce complexity, and therefore OpEx.  Furthermore, they will reduce their risk profile by leveraging the capabilities of the network to protect their environment as a Network as A Sensor and Enforcer.

The most noteworthy element to this new approach is they get ongoing access to innovation.  While bringing the whole opportunity, with all the additional functionality back into budget.

Plus, the ELA wrapper provides a built-in buffer to allow for planned or unexpected growth.  So, they can now be assured that as their network expands they can have standardised deployment with the same functionality and capabilities consistently, everywhere.

It is, quite simply, more value for the same price.

So why aren’t more companies making this shift?

Well the fact is they are starting to.  As more customers start to see the value and opportunity they are making the shift and they are delighted with the results.  And they are starting to talk about it, evangelising to others.  You can check out the stories of the iconic retailer Harrods, the household brand of Weetabix, and the Natural History Museum.

If you want and need to get more out of your network (and let’s be honest, in this age of rapid digital acceleration, that’s pretty much everyone), you can get that transformation you need.

Buying a solution is no longer just for today, this model recognises that requirements evolve and change over time and you are protected for that, enabling you to draw down what you need, when you need it, and retain ownership of that.  With growth built in – whether predicted or not – you can ensure standardisation which means a more compliant, more secure and lower cost network across your whole environment

Like-for-like is transformed.  You can get a solution that is like-for-like on cost but that delivers significantly more in value.  Value which can be switched on immediately, or further down the track at a pace that suits your requirements.

And you get predictable costs, a buffer for growth and standardisation across your whole infrastructure, plus assurance of being able to roll out any new technology, services and applications consistently, everywhere.

What are you waiting for? 

If your infrastructure refresh is looming, talk to us today to find out how we can transform your like-for-like for like into a platform for future innovation.

And our current Cisco ONE offers make it even more attractive and easier to get the value out of your ‘like-for-like’ solution so it really is a transformation.

With Cisco DNA we’ve made getting digital-ready an achievable possibility.  Stop dreaming, now it’s a reality. The companies and organisations that start earliest have the greatest potential to leverage that opportunity for their future success.


Peter Davis-Adkins

Product Sales Specialist (PSS)

Enterprise Networks

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