Maeva Save chats with Nic Mason, Chief Operating Officer of one of IDEALondon’s newest start-ups, EnergyDeck.
MS: So Nic, tell us about the team at EnergyDeck
EnergyDeck was started three years ago by our CEO Benjamin Kott, who had previously worked at Google as their European Green Business Operations Manager. The combined experiences of working on Google’s PowerMeter for the domestic energy market, managing a global corporate property portfolio, and installing large renewable energy systems left Benjamin with the feeling that there must be a better way of managing and sharing energy consumption and project data. This better way? EnergyDeck.
Today the team consists of Benjamin, our CTO Bruno and myself, supported by a development team over in Kiev. We’re an international team originating from Germany, France and New Zealand, and are looking forward to hiring our first member from the UK!
MS: What does EnergyDeck do?
Energy Deck is an online resource management platform that enables organisations, landlords and individuals to share energy and consumption data, as well as information about the success or otherwise of their energy efficiency projects. In practice this means users can identify energy inefficiencies and share best practise by seeing what’s working for others and how they’re performing against real-time benchmarks.
MS: What kind of customers do you have?
We do lots of work with commercial real estate and housing associations – we’ve worked with emh homes in the East Midlands, for example, to deliver one of the largest single metering projects for a housing association in Europe, while our largest CRE customer has us monitoring and metering properties in the UK, France and Germany.
We also work with private landlords, sustainability and efficiency consultants, community groups, private residential users and SMEs, the last two of which can use our platform for free.
MS: What are you aiming to achieve at IDEAL? How are you finding the experience so far?
We’re currently closing a fundraising round, so will hopefully be using our time at IDEAL to double the size of our development and front of house teams so we can provide improvements to our customers, and prove to our investors that we can scale.
The biggest thing we’re benefiting from is the introductions we get to Cisco clients – it’s early days yet, but being able to sit in front of big global companies is a huge opportunity. Meeting the other start-up companies at IDEAL is really interesting, and we’ve been enjoying the weekly seminar series, too.
MS: Do you have anything else on the horizon for the year ahead?
This is an interesting one for us, as we’re currently talking to IoT developers with the long-term view of becoming an open platform where we’ll curate IoT data for the built environment. This means that when a user plugs a particular type of data, the platform recognises what it is and gives it context so that if the user decides to pass the data on to the wider world, the wider world understands what it is and means. This will also mean that when we use it to drive analytics, it becomes meaningful across and between accounts and organisations.
MS: Sounds great, looking forward to seeing it progress! Thanks for chatting today.