Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

Cisco Partner Hot Seat – Sean Ball, Forfusion

2 min read

This month Sean Ball, Marketing Manager at Forfusion is sat in our partner hot seat. He tell what helps him relax after a long day in the office, his top tip on dealing with customers and whether he’s an apple or android type of guy.

How many years have you been working in the industry?

2 years – although it feels like a lot longer!

What’s the first thing you do each morning?17th March 2016-0096

Check the many social media handles operated by Forfusion

Tell us four things you do every day in your role

  1. Drink a lot of coffee!
  2. Research (or spy) on Cisco’s and other partner’s social media and PR
  3. Communicate with distis or vendors about current or upcoming campaigns and/or incentives
  4. Plan to take over the world

What’s your number one tip when it comes to dealing with customers?

It’s never about money, only value. Stand your ground and don’t undercut yourself.

Name one thing businesses tend to forget when implementing or upgrading their technology

Users will always take shortcuts and the path of least resistance!

What’s the number one pain point or concern your customers have?

Mitigating the risks that come with an increasingly technology-dependent world

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

Finding ways to make IT sexy – I love a challenge!

What’s the best thing about partnering with Cisco?

The support from Cisco’s UKI marketing team makes my life a lot easier (and no I’m not just saying that, promise…)

Name one device or piece of technology you couldn’t live without

Other than the obvious ones – my Fitbit app! It’s forced to be more active and track performance.

If you weren’t working in tech, what would you be doing?

Wondering why I was so bored!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

If you’re the brightest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

What helps you relax at the end of the day?

Exercise and/or alcohol!

What’s your ultimate comfort food?

Longhorn’s (it’s a Newcastle thing!)

Which actor would play you in a biopic of your life?

I’d like to think Henry Cavill, but it’d probably be Rowan Atkinson

If you could possess one superhero power, what would it be?

To stop time, or add more hours to the day – a Time lord I guess (although I’m not a Dr Who fan!)

First music single you bought?

Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Californication… still one of my all-time favourites!

Apple or Android?

Obviously Apple…

Who would you least like to be stuck on a desert island with?


What’s your most-used smartphone app?


In your opinion, what’s the best tech innovation of the last 100 years?

Social media: turbo-charging the power of consumers and forcing businesses to be more transparent and responsible, empowering the oppressed and undermining autocracy. But most importantly, entertaining the bored with cat videos!



Suzannah Darlow


Partner Marketing

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