Cisco Poland Blog

Increasing your chances by improving your resume

2 min read

Being a recruiter at such a dynamic organization as Cisco is always very exciting. Thanks to the varieties of roles we are hiring for, we get to partner with the most amazing stakeholders, learn a lot of new things about technology, and of course, get to talk to some fantastic, best in the field candidates.


My name is Oksana, I have been a part of a recruitment team at Cisco since 2018. I have been hiring for a diverse amount of role types, including corporate functions and sales. Right now, I am hiring for CX Engineering, and It’s been an amazing journey.

At Cisco CX we are striving towards a smooth and easy recruitment process, while aiming to unveil the potential of each candidate. The initial step for every recruitment process at Cisco, is usually a conversation with the recruiter.

We are very proud of the friendly relationships our recruiters are building with each candidate, guiding, and supporting them throughout every step of the process.

If you’re thinking of applying for a role at Cisco, then we’ll be there for you. Remember though – preparation goes a long way.

So, today I’d like to share more insights into what it takes to build a strong resume and be considered for the opportunity at Cisco.


Make your resume stand out

The resume is probably one of the most valuable documents of your professional career.

It is a summary of your achievements and goals, and even of your personality, really. Thanks to your resume, you can get the job you’ve been dreaming of, or you can also miss it if you write it wrong.


Here are some tips that you may consider before you decide to apply for any job at Cisco:

1) Your CV is NOT a job description. Remember, it should reflect your achievements, career growth, and the relevant experience to the job you are applying for.

2) Make sure you are conscious of the amount of information and pages on your resume. There is no specific length the resume should be, just keep the information on it relevant, readable, and structured. If you can fit it into 2 pages – fantastic. If not – that is also okay. Just do your best to keep only the necessary information.

3) The reader of your CV has to see what they need to see. Before applying, make sure you go through the job description of the role, and mention at least half of the requirements in your resume in different sections.

4) In case you are wondering about a picture in your resume: it is not obligatory. It’s nice to have. But it is totally up to you whether to put it or not. It does not influence the decision of a reviewer.

5) Be bold, avoid cliches, and be honest on your resume. Sooner or later, it will become clear whether you have the skills that you mentioned or not. Honesty is the best policy. 🙂

6) And last but not least – the design. If you can put together a nice-looking resume, following all steps I have mentioned before – I am very confident it will draw the recruiter’s attention and a hiring team.

And to summarize – make sure your resume is a very clear description of who you are as a professional, and a person too. Are you also a mountain climber? Tap dancer? Or a magician? Do mention that in your hobbies section! We want to know YOU!

Good luck with applying for the roles at Cisco, and see you on board!


Ready to join our outstanding team? Explore open roles at the Kraków office!


Oksana Rovna


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