Cisco Poland Blog

From New Graduate to Solution Architect in Cisco’s Professional Services

2 min read

In our “From Student to” series, we explore the journeys of Cisco Poland team members from their student days to their current roles. Each post shares their transition from learners to professionals, providing valuable insights for aspiring talents eager to navigate the tech industry.

Once upon a time in a university buzzing with the sounds of eager minds and computer networks, a curious encounter with Cisco’s iconic boxes and the basics of CCNA sparked a flame of interest in a student named Justyna Chowaniec. Little did she know, this spark would ignite a journey of immense growth and discovery.

Fast forward a year or two, Justyna found herself at the forefront and a pioneering participant in the first edition of the Cisco Incubator Program, and later, a fresh face in the New Graduate program.


From TAC to Architect

Her odyssey through Cisco’s labyrinth of learning led her to TAC Lan Switching, but she didn’t stop there. With a hunger for challenge, Justyna embraced the intricate world of Data Center Switching and evolved into a Solution Architect withing Cisco’s Professional Services (PS).

Justyna Chowaniec at the Women in Tech Summit

The secret to her ascension? A blend of curiosity, an appetite for learning new realms, and a sprinkle of serendipity that led her to cross paths with inspiring individuals. Justyna never imagined she’d be seen as an expert in her field. The biggest surprise in her Cisco journey was earning that recognition.

The lesson embedded in her journey was clear: surround yourself with champions—those who believe in you, those who inspire you to soar. By engaging with minds sharper than your own, you’re not dwarfed but rather lifted to new heights.


Cisco Equals Growth

If Justyna had to describe Cisco in one word, it would be “growth”—a testament to the personal and professional development that’s become synonymous with her experience at the company.

Her advice to others walking similar paths? Pursue what brings you joy. Without passion, the risk of burnout looms large, but with it, every challenge becomes an opportunity to flourish.

This is the tale of Justyna: a story of a student who transformed into a beacon of knowledge and expertise, all within Cisco’s nurturing ecosystem—a place where growth isn’t just a possibility, but a promise fulfilled.



Discover more of our “From Student to” series, where we explore the journeys of Cisco Poland team members from their student days to their current roles.


Justyna Slowik

CXA EMEA Emerging Talent Leader


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