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In a candid conversation with a friend – he asked me if making more than one job application to the same company increases the chances to be invited for an interview? I was surprised with the question and was wondering if other candidates have the same understanding.
I’ve been a recruiter for almost 14 years now and can confidently say that making more applications to the same company does not have any correlation with interviews. In fact, as recruiters, it makes us think – what is this candidate really interested in? Does the candidate know where he/she wants to get into and build a career? Or is it just shooting the arrow in the air hoping to hit the target and land into any job.
We have recently seen this trend and it has increased the traffic of applications coming into application tracking system forcing many companies to have restrictions on the number of applications a candidate can make. It has also delayed the process of hiring, making eligible candidates to wait longer. Though there is no rule on how many roles a candidate must apply for, it’s only advised to make more applications if:
a. You match the majority of must-have skills and experience required for the role
b. You have the right to work in the country role is based
c. The role is in line & interest with your career aspirations
d. If changing career – you have the transferable skills required for the role
e. You have not been interviewed for the same role in the last few months
f. You have the language proficiency required for the role
g. The seniority of the role matches your experience
h. You have not applied for the same role in other job boards
If in a situation where you seem fit for most roles advertised, pick your top two or three roles which match your experience and interest. Customize your application, prepare for the role and tell us how passionate you are for the role. You can keep the rest for consideration if you were unsuccessful. Recruiters and hiring managers do share candidates with other teams if found suitable.
Remember, recruiters will only reach out to you if your experience matches the skills required to perform the role and qualifies for what we are looking for.
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