Yesterday evening it happened – I got the first request for a MTE in the upcoming CiscoLive! 2015 Milan.
Some of you might now think: “What the heck is a MTE?”
MTE stands for “Meet the engineer” – this is a program, where CiscoLive! attendees can meet 1:1 with an expert on a specific topic and discuss whatever they want about it.
Most speakers at CiscoLive! are more or less automatically part of the MTE-Program … so you can expect over 200 Engineers being part of it.
In order for customers to find the right engineer for the technology they want to discuss, we speakers had to provide the areas of our expertise into the tool.
We could also block out some timeslots, where we would be busy with other tasks and cannot participate in MTE-Sessions.
If an attendee wants to have a MTE he can request one via the Web-Portal, where he also manages his Breakout-session registration, etc.He will there select the technology/area he would like to discuss and will get presented a list of Engineers, which are knowledgeable on that topic.
Here also the blockout times previously mentioned would be considered – so customers cannot request an engineer, who already said he wouldn’t be available at that time.
Finally, the attendee selects one engineer at his choice and requests a meeting.
Yesterday, one attendee did that and requested me – so I got an email with the information.
My next step is usually to go through the information provided in the MTE-Request.
If it is sufficient and I have time – I do just accept the request.
Now the request yesterday did not provide any information about what should be discussed – in order to get more information I therefore got in touch with the requester.
So, right now, that MTE-Request is still pending.
If you’re CiscoLive! Attendee and would like to discuss something specific with an Cisco-Engineer I highly recommend using the MTE-Programm!