To think of disruption, we think on innovations that displace earlier technologies and take things to a new level.

Photo credit: Sean Murphy’s presentation
In the context of technology disruption that emerged with Software Defined Networking, we started the Swiss SDN community workshop, together with my partner from SWITCH – five years ago. This is a full-day event with presentations and demonstrations that involve topics about modern networking accelerated by SDN and other technologies, including networking in the Datacenter, WAN, Campus, Provider networks – over bare metal, virtual, hybrid solutions, containers etc. The goal of this event is to gather the networking experts from the academia and the industry, including some curious souls, in order to share experiences and interesting solutions worth spreading. We hope this will contribute to further accelerate new ideas, trace future visions, and will set a footprint on the progress in IT digitalization and contemporary networking.
On the 29th of June 2018, our 10th anniversary event – with cake and t-shirts :)- took place in the premises of Cisco Switzerland, where we gladly welcomed around 30 networkers, who came to learn and share cool works and solutions that they’ve been working on lately. Go and check the topics and the short abstracts of the event on the following agenda link. If you want to know more about what the SDN Switzerland meetup is about, feel free to visit our twitter feed #SDN_CH and find out details from the past 5 years workshops on our meetup page.

Photo credit: Thomas Graf
Remember that this workshop is a result from the collective work of all Swiss SDN collaborators, and it is of important relevance to our growing community. We believe that we can all learn from each other, whether it is about a cool geeky academic PoC or a large-scale vendor solution, so don’t be shy – go ahead and come back with a talk proposal or a demo – we will make sure to give a light to your efforts and make you shine. Traditionally, we feature each event with a blog post, so please visit our SDN Switzerland event blog page to read the detailed summary of the talks and take a note of the continuous SDN impact to the modern networking.
See you at our next meetup, around end of year 2018 and happy reading!
Credit: The image with unicorn and the Superpower BPF is from Thomas Graf’s presentation.