Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

#DigitalCitizen Series Kickoff: The Internet of Everything and Tomorrow’s Digital Cities, Today

July 23, 2015

It’s Here and It’s Happening Now

As large populations shift to urban areas, cities are under tremendous pressure to compete economically and grow sustainably. In the era of digital disruption, citizens are also expecting more from their engagements with local, regional, and national government organisations and leaders. In response to these pressing challenges, communities around the world are going digital and creating new, intelligent connections with the Internet of Everything (IoE).

Watch here how we’re helping Public Sector to be there 

Digital Community

We’d like to invite you to join us here each week for a new blog series, where we’ll feature experiences of day-to-day life from the perspective of an average citizen in their digital community. The experiences of our digital citizen are used to to show examples of IoE excellence, how communities are putting IoE into practice today, and to create a roadmap for change that will enable communities to draw on best practices from around the world.

Digital Citizen_with quote

Given my focus on government and the wider public sector, I’m very passionate about the issues facing cities today and how the concept of digital transformation is generating a new world of possibilities to improve processes, increase efficiencies, and drive better citizen services. It’s an exciting time. I’m delighted to be able to kick off this series and looking forward to starting a meaningful discussion.

Next Stop

Stay tuned for our next post to discover more information about how our citizen benefits from the data that can be captured from connections throughout the digital community. And please check back each week as we explore new themes, challenges and observations.

Additionally, you can click here and register now to get your IoE questions answered on how to become the next digital community.

Finally, we invite you to join our Linkedin Groups for sector specific content:


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Be part of the conversation by using the hashtag #DigitalCitizen and by following @CiscoGovt on Twitter.

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