Cisco UK & Ireland Blog

Cisco Partner Hot Seat – Rory Tempest, Natilik

August 7, 2017

In this edition of our Partner Hot Seat we have Rory Tempest, Chief Marketing Officer at Natilik. He tells us what the number one pain point is for his customers, his top tip when dealing with them and of course, the piece of technology he couldn’t live without.

How many years have you been working in the industry?

9.5 Years

What’s the first thing you do each morning?

Double Espresso, Email, Social Media

Tell us five things you do every day in your role

Innovate, Create, Challenge, Amplify, Laugh

What’s your number one tip when it comes to dealing with customers?

Let them talk!

Name one thing businesses tend to forget when implementing or upgrading their technology

Their End-Users. Adoption is key, and so many forget this

What’s the number one pain point or concern your customers have?

Cybersecurity, I think we’re only at the beginning.

What’s you favourite thing about your job?

The amazing people I get to work with each day

What’s the best thing about partnering with Cisco?

Innovation! A company not afraid to invest or acquire which means the portfolio never gets old

Name one device or piece of technology you couldn’t live without

My iPhone

If you weren’t working in tech, what would you be doing?

Owning a vineyard

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Never regret your extravagances son.

What helps you relax at the end of the day?

A glass of decent red

What’s your ultimate comfort food?


Which actor would play you in a biopic of your life?

If both Daniel Craig and Chris Hemsworth were busy, it would probably be John Tracy from Thunderbirds

If you could possess one superhero power, what would it be?


First music single you bought?

I know you’re meant to say something cool and profound here but sadly its mmmBop, Hanson.

Apple or Android?

Apple. Always.

Who would you least like to be stuck on a desert island with?

The person currently sat next to me on the train playing his music too loud, Donald Trumps Hairpiece or Janet Street Porter’s Voice.

What’s your most-used smartphone app?


In your opinion, what’s the best tech innovation of the last 100 years?

Undoubtedly the internet

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