Joking aside, while public cloud is undeniably awesome, recent cloud woes serve to highlight the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of your cloud landscape.
More importantly, you need that comprehensive understanding of what business outcome your applications are serving:
- Where are my production applications located?
- What does a potential outage mean for my business – what would be the cost (and is the risk acceptable), and what is my Recovery Time and Point Objective?
- How do my apps failover (manual or automatically)?
- How do my apps scale or cluster?
- Are all my app eggs in one basket?
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way. Depending on the goal, there might be a more risk-averse, resilient or more cost-efficient way of doing things. (Or perhaps your setup is already optimised for the risk your business is prepared to accept).
Nevertheless, modern application design, PaaS or Cloud Brokers can alleviate risk by decoupling applications from infrastructure failure.
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